Teiger Foundation awarded $3.3 million to thirty-nine curators & organizations 
working in 
contemporary art through our inaugural call for proposals. Grants were awarded in four categories: Single project, Three-year funding, Research, and Touring. In addition, we were proud to extend our commitment to Los Angeles Visual Art Coalition (LAVA) and to climate action in the field. Read more about each 2023 grantee below.
Alex Klein
The Contemporary Austin
Alexis Lowry
Dia Art Foundation
Dan Leers
Carnegie Museum of Art
Diya Vij
Creative Time
Howie Chen, Jayne Cole, christina ong
80 Washington Square East, NYU
Kathleen Goncharov
Boca Raton Museum of Art
Kelly Kivland
Wexner Center for the Arts
Lauren Haynes, Caitlin Julia Rubin
Queens Museum, Rose Art Museum
Legacy Russell
The Kitchen
Ozi Uduma, Paul M. Farber
University of Michigan Museum of Art
Stefanie Hessler
Swiss Institute
Tina Kukielski, Jurrell Lewis
Vic Brooks, Nida Ghouse
EMPAC—Curtis R. Priem Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
2023. Teiger Foundation awarded $3.3 million to thirty-nine curators & organizations 
working in 
contemporary art through our inaugural call for proposals. Grants were awarded in four categories: Single project, Three-year funding, Research, and Touring. In addition, we were proud to extend our commitment to Los Angeles Visual Art Coalition (LAVA) and to climate action in the field. Read more about each 2023 grantee below.
High contrast
Negative contrast