In 2023, Teiger Foundation awarded $3.3 million to thirty-nine curators & organizations 
working in 
contemporary art through our inaugural call for proposals. Grants were awarded in four categories: Single project, Three-year funding, Research, and Touring. In addition, we were proud to extend our commitment to Los Angeles Visual Art Coalition (LAVA) and to climate action in the field. Read more about each 2023 grantee below.
Andrea Andersson, Jordan Amirkhani
Rivers Institute for Contemporary Art & Thought
Arnaldo Rodríguez-Bagué with Beta-Local
Ashley DeHoyos Sauder, Xandra Eden
Dan Byers
Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts
Gean Moreno, Natalia Zuluaga
[NAME] Publications
Kalaija Mallery
The Luminary
Makayla Bailey, Michael Connor, Celine Wong Katzman
Mary V. Bordeaux
Racing Magpie
Olivian Cha
Corita Art Center
Sohrab Mohebbi, Kyle Dancewicz
Sophia Cosmadopoulous, Anna Schechter
Summertime Gallery
Tempestt Hazel, Kate Hadley Toftness
Sixty Inches from Center
Tizziana Baldenebro
2023. In 2023, Teiger Foundation awarded $3.3 million to thirty-nine curators & organizations 
working in 
contemporary art through our inaugural call for proposals. Grants were awarded in four categories: Single project, Three-year funding, Research, and Touring. In addition, we were proud to extend our commitment to Los Angeles Visual Art Coalition (LAVA) and to climate action in the field. Read more about each 2023 grantee below.
High contrast
Negative contrast